Sign up here for Wyandot County Alerts! In the event of an emergency or severe weather, an alert will be sent to the phone number and/or email address provided by voice, text and/or email.

This is a free service provided by Wyandot County, OH, however, normal message fees may apply. To receive text messages to your cell phone, your cell phone must have text messaging capabilities. Notifications are dependent upon external providers and receipt of notifications by the intended recipient cannot be guaranteed.

Alerts sent from Wyandot County will originate from 69310 for text messages, (419) 555-5555 for voice notifications, and for email. Please be sure to save these in your phone and/or address book.

In order to receive both text and voice alerts, you must enter your cell phone number twice. Select the “Text” option the first time and the “Voice” option the second time.

* denotes a required field
Your Wyandot County Address
Powered By Wireless Emergency Notification System